Sunday, February 24, 2008

Heraldic Imagery

Well... I'm one of the lucky ones whose parents are interested enough in this stuff to actually have small copies of our family Coat of Arms up on the wall. (Chandler being my mother's maiden name)

"Facta Non Verba" - Deeds Not Words. (Kirkland Family Motto)

OF Scottish origins, the Kirklands were first found (recorded) in Cumberland, where they had been since ancient times - rumoured to have been there far before the arrival of Duke William at Hastings in 1066 A.D.

Variations on the name: Kirkland, Kirkeland, Kirtland

** I'm fairly happy with the coat of arms.. I was hoping for something a little more grand (rather than 3 stars) but at the same time i really like the simplicity of it. It makes for a striking image, which invites one to imagine what it means.

The alternate versions of it that i have found on various web sites are the same the only thing that varies is the colours, but the alternate versions keep to 2 colours, so there is at least that conformity.


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